Refund Policy

We offer a 14-day refund policy at 

Any unused (no scuffs, scratches, or signs of wear), in-box (the original product box is intact and any product accessories are still in the box) items can be returned within 14 days of the order’s delivery date for a refund. Please keep your receipt or proof of purchase.

*If you received the wrong item or would like to refund a damaged or defective unused product, please contact us here. If you wish to return the item, you are responsible for return shipping and may ship back the item using the courier of your choice. We will provide you with our return address. Shipping costs are non-refundable.

We will notify you once we have received and inspected your return, and let you know if the refund was approved or not. If approved, you will be automatically refunded on your original payment method within 10 business days. Please note that the total refund amount does not include the shipping fee. Items sent back to us without first requesting a refund will not be accepted.

For refunds or related enquiries, use our contact form here.